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Tekapo Tamer 2010

For those of you who did not have enough excitement during the Annual Rally in Twizel, then this might tempt your taste buds.

TEKAPO TAMER is a two and a half day trail ride utilising up to 400 square kilometres of land between Lake Pukaki and Lake Tekapo, including the Army Tekapo training area plus adjoining private farms. The ride will be based at the Tekapo Army Camp and will involve a variety of marked trails up to 40km in length plus guided groups for the longer trails which are not marked.

The event starts on Friday 29th of January to Sunday 31st and is held at the Tekepo Army Camp.  Food, fuel and accommodation are all available at the Army Base.

I have been in contact with them to see if the site is suitable for the large 1200s and their comment is:

Your bike would probably get around over 80% of the tracks with no problem at all. There is one track that has some swampy bits on it so you will want to avoid that. The tracks will all be dry so the tyres will not be a problem. The only issue will be the lack of manoererability of such a large bike. However, I have been on adventure rides where the bikes are like yours and the tracks are much less rideable than those at Tekapo.

My recommendation is you should come and ride at Tekapo Tamer.

You can read more about it HERE and download the entry form below.


If you are interested in going please post your comment to this blog.  I’m keen if there are a few other takers.  Of course it’s a GS event only.

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