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Market Place

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One Response to “Market Place”

  1. Honda SL230 dual purpose motorcycle. Rare and desirable learner legal motorcycle with just 14,800 genuine kms on the clock.

    Previous owner was BMW NZ who used it to put staff members through their motorcycle test. It has just had a service and is warranted to September 2010. It also has rego until the 7th September.

    This bike is in good condition having done only 1000km a year since first being registered. The muffler has a small scratch. It has the original handbook and tool kit both in place.

    Tyres are road legal knobs and are approximately 75% worn. Bars with a slightly higher rise have been fitted as well as quality handguards.

    The SL230 is an excellent first bike for the learner who also wants to get off the beaten track and it excels on gravel roads. With the correct tyres fitted, it is also more than capable of being ridden at suitable trail rides, you can even ride it there and home!

    Details can be verified at: http://www.carjam.co.nz/car/?plate=31txh

    Listed on TradeMe at: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/Motorbikes/Motorbikes/Dual-purpose/auction-291355621.htm

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